Tuesday, September 30, 2008

what is reality and what is fiction?

can you tell me what is the number after 12? of course you can. it is programmed in your head. the brain has the data to tell you what is the answer to that question. the fact is, the brain controls our daily activities. you might say, duhh..... what does? but do you know the power of the brain? your brain has the power to change fiction into reality. yes... can men fly? they can if they want to. genius people use only 10% of their brain. so, where's the other 90%? it is locked inside, waiting to be discovered. people who understand the true power of the brain will continue searching ways to unlock the secrets of the mind. the mind consist of three parts. concious, subconcious and the superconcious mind. the concious mind is what we are using daily. the function of concious mind is to intepret logic and act as a medium between the subconcious mind and our body. the concious mind isn't that powerful. that is why we can't fly, because our body thinks logically that the gravity can't be defy. i say the concious mind is not powerful because, it can be altered by altering your perception on things around you. the concious mind is powerful when the subconcious mind is at rest. do you know that subconcious mind plays an important role in our life? they act as the main controller to our body. believe it or not, it decides what you like to eat and what are you allergic of. the subconcious mind react with experience and relatively, your senses. why are u afraid of cats? because the subconcious mind decides for you. to unlock your subconcious mind, it needs training and focus. as you all know, the concious mind can't be easily ignore. meditation and hypnosis helps to communicate directly to your innerself. i will explain more in my next post.

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