Tuesday, September 30, 2008

wannabe and posers

yeah.. i hate them. there's the real thing, and there's them. wannabe.. i don't really know what do they get trying to imitate someone?? satisfaction? i doubt it. if they are satisfied, they should just stick to what they are. no need to try and be someone. it's very uncool and very immature. people should appreciate for what they are. everyone is special in their on way. it's just a matter of time till they discover it. then they'll know the joy of being one's true self. take it from me. i've been there, done that. and trust me. it's a never ending story untill you find out that nothing last forever. but if you try building your personality rather than imitate, you'll be satisfied and surprised to what you can become when you develop skills rather than scoop up other people skills. discovering your true abillities is much more interesting than wasting time thinking what you should look like next. when you develop your skills, your look will come automatically after that. if you try to be somebody, you will posess the looks, but not the talents. it's ok to admire or look up upon somebody that have succeed in life but don't over do it.

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