Tuesday, September 30, 2008

designers life

wow! i can't believe it! to actually learning something related to me, arts! it might not be pure arts but it has its abstract side. once, i was confuse in what i might become when i grow up. at first, i would like to venture in engineering. thinking that this field of study could be promising and will ensure a better future. then i started thinking. i couldn't even cope with my spm, especially the science stuff. how the hell am i going to further in engineering??! it would be boring equally. even more come to think of it. for me, i could not develop the interest in science studies even if i wanted to.. badly!! coz nowadays, science is essential in the world. science is everywhere. i was thinking iin pursuing arts. but something came in front of me and crash my thoughts. guess who... my mom(thank god she did!). she said that it is ok to work with your skills rather than working with your certs. but what would become out of me when i'm done studying. u can have many certs i arts but u are not qualified for the industry to day. the need science. that's what she said. for once, i neva agreed. but to avoid arguing, i obey. i try finding other fields to venture. i want to venture into sumthing that people would make it the last choice. guess what. architecture. many are interested in medics and engineering. few are interested in this kinda arts. for me to take archi, it would be very promising to have a bright future. but suddenly, sumthing came up. what if sudddenly, the world would run out of space to build. would architecture be at any use??? i came to a dead end again. i have to start from scratch. long i search for the rite path of life. i want arts, and at the same time, a good job prospect in the future. now that archi is not and option, i have to find sumthing close to archi. and then it hit me. why not try interior architecture. it has everything same as erchi, only more detail coz its work space are interior of the building. brilliant! i thougt. now, to do more research. i came with a list of top university that offers this cos. but most of them are privates. where am i going to fork up a fortune to apply??? seeing that local university offers less choice, i try convincing my parents to let me enter. and they said, why not try uitm? and this is where i am now. a designer to be. full of challenge and obstacles before reaching the peak. well, i've chosen this path, and i will stake my life on it.

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