erm.. perlukah aku memberitahu segala konspirasi yg sedang berlaku di sekeliling kita? atau just another ‘about girl’ punya post? ... herm... aku baru je lepas tgk zeitgeist addendum. ia sebuah dokumentari yg sgt menarik. yg menerangkan tentang tragedy 11 september, agama, dan institusi kewangan di US. dokumentari sgt menarik! da lame aku nk cari tp selalu confuse bila bukak youtube. huhu... anyway, aku recommend korang tgk dokumentari tu utk bukak minda korang..
“The cost we pay before 9/11 is less compare to what we gain after 9/11..” quote penganalisa politik US.
dunia zaman sekarang ni, mcm2 benda yg jd dlm jangka masa yg sgt2 dekat. mcm masa tu sendiri dah makin pendek. dan kita masih belum sedar dan leka dgn apa yg kita ada skarang ni.. melayu ke x, tunggang arak serupa tu jugak.. lepas tu bising2 boikot yahudi lah, ape lah. perangai mcm yahudi xkisah pulak. rokok xpayah ckp la.. jumlah besar keuntungan dalam negara dtg dri rokok.. jd jgn haraplah utk kerajaan senang2 nk naikkan harga rokok ye.. so kita akan still menghirup udara segar+asap rokok yg ada di dlm bumi Malaysia tercinta.. peace!
“dunia memboikot US. namun sedarkah kita, barat telah banyak mempengaruhi gaya hidup kita samada kita sedar atau tidak..”
so kenapa kita perlu boikot sekarang?? adakah kita benar2 dah sedar?? atau hanya utk mengaburi mata dunia supaya kita pun dilihat mengecam US yg menghentam afghan dan Iraq?? erm... itu aku xboleh nk comment panjang2 sbb masing2 ada jawapan sendiri...
“on September the 11th. the world saw evil.” president Bush.
yeah.. we saw it alright.
but it comes not from the mountains of Iraq or afghan.. no... it comes from a place with black suits and a whole shit of protocols and propaganda.. the pancake theory? yeah rite... the heat from the jet fuel vaporise the plane eh?? leaving the body untouched????? and where the heck is the plane that hit shanksville?? its all in the president’s office i presume...
“in order evil to prosper. it takes good man to do nothing. if there is one...” german philosopher.
“we all know what happen on 9/11.. except for Bush maybe, who keeps denying things. ” me.
Friday, May 29, 2009
apple is an apple for no reason.. really???
pernah terbayang x, would it make any difference in the world kalau u all xtercipta??? though it may seem ur existence in this frigid world may come to making no significance at all.. but think again.
"everything happened for a reason or two." kata2 manis seorang pujangga.
kalau korang xwujud, membe2 korang xkan kenal korang. and maybe time tu, diorang ada masalah. and xleh nk xcrita kat sape2 kecuali korang tp since korang xwujud, dia pendam... and then, masalah timbul. pelajaran merosot. effect pulak lecturer dia yg memikirkan apa la salah aku ajar budak ni smpai dia bengap cmni.. pastu lecturer tu balik and bwk balik masalah member korang ke rumah... smpai xde mase nk beri perhatian kat anak2 dia, last2 anak2 dia xmendapat perhatian dan kasih sayang seorang ibu, and bergaul ngan budak2 jahat, and jd rempit.. and jd lah masalah negara, hanya kerana... korang xwujud.
it does makes a difference...
"everything happened for a reason or two." kata2 manis seorang pujangga.
kalau korang xwujud, membe2 korang xkan kenal korang. and maybe time tu, diorang ada masalah. and xleh nk xcrita kat sape2 kecuali korang tp since korang xwujud, dia pendam... and then, masalah timbul. pelajaran merosot. effect pulak lecturer dia yg memikirkan apa la salah aku ajar budak ni smpai dia bengap cmni.. pastu lecturer tu balik and bwk balik masalah member korang ke rumah... smpai xde mase nk beri perhatian kat anak2 dia, last2 anak2 dia xmendapat perhatian dan kasih sayang seorang ibu, and bergaul ngan budak2 jahat, and jd rempit.. and jd lah masalah negara, hanya kerana... korang xwujud.
it does makes a difference...
Thursday, May 28, 2009
apa beza perempuan dgn lelaki?? persoalan yg sengaja aku tnya utk menimbulkan provokasi..
perempuan memang makhluk yg sgt2 menarik.. dari segi fizikal mahupun intelekual. lelaki senang sgt utk dikenali tingkah lakunya tp perempuan? sgtlah unik dan sgt2lah complex. mereka boleh diklasifikasikan sbagai microorganism yg sgt2 sophisticated berbanding lelaki.
“a girl never needs attention from one guy when she could have all eyes on her. so you better be out of the ordinary to be spotted.” kata2 aristotle zaman jepun.
amatlah menarik utk dikaji perempuan zaman skarang kerana sifat dan characteristicnya yg2 sgt2 berubah2 mengikut putaran waktu. (juga dipengaruhi kitaran haid) period merupakan waktu yg sgt2 best utk menguji dan memerhati sikap2 perempuan kerana pd ketika dan waktu ini, pelbagai reaksi dan tindak balas universal dpt dilihat dan xselalu akan dilihat di waktu2 normal.
“do not give a girl diamonds, for she will want emeralds, ruby, topaz, and the other precious stones too.” kata2 penyanyi latin zaman hitler.
seperti yg dikatakan td... reaksi perempuan amat menarik utk diperhatikan, x mcm lelaki yg slalu nk nmpk cool and macho all the time and kadang2 tu xkena tmpat.. haiisshhh....
“don’t act cool for you will look stupid. act stupid at the right place in the right time would probably make you look cool in a weird kinda way.” (any rejection upon this statement???)
perempuan xkisah kalau gi kelas yg majoritinya lelaki. and still diorang akan act like they do. cuba kalau bg lelaki masuk kelas yg semua pempuan. mesti malas nk masuk lah.. and akan diam je sbb malu.. kan kan kan???
-kalau kat gerai or jamuan. selalunya pempuan yg akan mendominasi. sbb adanya fatwa yg mengatakan “ladies first”. why???????? bygkan. lelaki ni tunggu punya lama utk pesan order did lm crowd yg xstabil susunannya di depan gerai burger. dan seorang perempuan dtg dan tgk2 menu, pusing belakang tnye member2 nk makan ape and bising2 and then, terus mencelah and order kuat2 smpai abang yg jual makanan tu member perhatian kpd pempuan tuh. shit rite???!!! arghh!!!
kalau bab mencelah, perempuan memang hebat. (still dlm context mengorder makanan di gerai). u can see her behind u.. suddenly next to u.. and the next thing u know.. yup! u guess it. she’s in front of u. di Malaysia or any other place in the world i guess, lelaki sering kali dihantui taboo yg mengatakan jgn bergesel dgn perempuan dlm crowded places. ini secara tidak langsung memberi ruang(gap dlm crowd) utk ke depan dgn tanggapan bahawa “diorang(lelaki) xkan berani bergesel ngan aku.... girls, don’t under estimate us ok??? we simply have respect for u gals but if u don’t have respect for us.. then u know what will happen next eh??
“what you give you get back. even it means giving the SHIT back you’ve given to us.”
perempuan memang makhluk yg sgt2 menarik.. dari segi fizikal mahupun intelekual. lelaki senang sgt utk dikenali tingkah lakunya tp perempuan? sgtlah unik dan sgt2lah complex. mereka boleh diklasifikasikan sbagai microorganism yg sgt2 sophisticated berbanding lelaki.
“a girl never needs attention from one guy when she could have all eyes on her. so you better be out of the ordinary to be spotted.” kata2 aristotle zaman jepun.
amatlah menarik utk dikaji perempuan zaman skarang kerana sifat dan characteristicnya yg2 sgt2 berubah2 mengikut putaran waktu. (juga dipengaruhi kitaran haid) period merupakan waktu yg sgt2 best utk menguji dan memerhati sikap2 perempuan kerana pd ketika dan waktu ini, pelbagai reaksi dan tindak balas universal dpt dilihat dan xselalu akan dilihat di waktu2 normal.
“do not give a girl diamonds, for she will want emeralds, ruby, topaz, and the other precious stones too.” kata2 penyanyi latin zaman hitler.
seperti yg dikatakan td... reaksi perempuan amat menarik utk diperhatikan, x mcm lelaki yg slalu nk nmpk cool and macho all the time and kadang2 tu xkena tmpat.. haiisshhh....
“don’t act cool for you will look stupid. act stupid at the right place in the right time would probably make you look cool in a weird kinda way.” (any rejection upon this statement???)
perempuan xkisah kalau gi kelas yg majoritinya lelaki. and still diorang akan act like they do. cuba kalau bg lelaki masuk kelas yg semua pempuan. mesti malas nk masuk lah.. and akan diam je sbb malu.. kan kan kan???
-kalau kat gerai or jamuan. selalunya pempuan yg akan mendominasi. sbb adanya fatwa yg mengatakan “ladies first”. why???????? bygkan. lelaki ni tunggu punya lama utk pesan order did lm crowd yg xstabil susunannya di depan gerai burger. dan seorang perempuan dtg dan tgk2 menu, pusing belakang tnye member2 nk makan ape and bising2 and then, terus mencelah and order kuat2 smpai abang yg jual makanan tu member perhatian kpd pempuan tuh. shit rite???!!! arghh!!!
kalau bab mencelah, perempuan memang hebat. (still dlm context mengorder makanan di gerai). u can see her behind u.. suddenly next to u.. and the next thing u know.. yup! u guess it. she’s in front of u. di Malaysia or any other place in the world i guess, lelaki sering kali dihantui taboo yg mengatakan jgn bergesel dgn perempuan dlm crowded places. ini secara tidak langsung memberi ruang(gap dlm crowd) utk ke depan dgn tanggapan bahawa “diorang(lelaki) xkan berani bergesel ngan aku.... girls, don’t under estimate us ok??? we simply have respect for u gals but if u don’t have respect for us.. then u know what will happen next eh??
“what you give you get back. even it means giving the SHIT back you’ve given to us.”
Monday, May 25, 2009
why eat one while u can have ALL???!!
erm... aku dah decide to let go things and take it slow.. xyah nk rush things coz things kalau rush, akan jd tunggang langgang. kn3?
kadang2 in life.. we want things tp xdpt. and kita xkan give up to obtain it, smpai la satu tahap.. kita da xthan and stop. and suddenly, benda tu kita dpt dlm cara yg langsung kita xsangka2..
then we wonder, do we really need it?? coz we've gave up once trying to achieve it, thinking we will never gonna reach it and when all hopes are diminishing, suddenly, we obtain it!
erm... we may think we need someone to live, someone to love.. but the truth is, we don't.. we can be very independent at some points in life.. herm
kadang2 in life.. we want things tp xdpt. and kita xkan give up to obtain it, smpai la satu tahap.. kita da xthan and stop. and suddenly, benda tu kita dpt dlm cara yg langsung kita xsangka2..
then we wonder, do we really need it?? coz we've gave up once trying to achieve it, thinking we will never gonna reach it and when all hopes are diminishing, suddenly, we obtain it!
erm... we may think we need someone to live, someone to love.. but the truth is, we don't.. we can be very independent at some points in life.. herm
Friday, May 22, 2009
hari ini hari khamis
yeap... aku baru je wat satu keputusan yg agak matang bg aku. melupakan kesilapan orang dan memaafkannya... bagi aku. benda ni amat payah utk aku wat... sbb aku pendendam yg setia.. huhu. memang sakit apa yg dia da wat kat aku.. and aku ngaku, xmudah utk aku lupa apa yg dia wat kat aku... tp aku xsanggup kehilangan dia.... coz she's alL i got.. xpa la.. aku redha dia dah ada yg lain... watpe nk simpan dendam. bukan dia akan datang balik kat aku pun.. herm...
Thursday, May 21, 2009
hurm... after having a very2 interesting talk with a girl.. baru la tau sbb ape pempuan act like they do.... but i just need to say to u girls...
be honest to urself.... jgn sbb nk jga hati org, hati korang yg terseksa....
aku bukan berdendam ngan pempuan... tp cm byk sgt peristiwa ni... cm bengang gak...
be heppi@!
be honest to urself.... jgn sbb nk jga hati org, hati korang yg terseksa....
aku bukan berdendam ngan pempuan... tp cm byk sgt peristiwa ni... cm bengang gak...
be heppi@!
cinta oh cinta oh cinta oh gi mampus_v1.9
herm.... sbenarnye, aku cm da malas nk post crita2 pasal cinta ni... tpkan, once in a while cm ok gak kot..
pengalaman da byk mengajar tp np aku still xnk mempelajarinya? herm...
perempuan.. memang tempting.. skali tgk, rasa cm nk owning je pompuan tu... herm... tp mampukah aku utk pawn semua pempuan yg aku nk? sometimes in life, u must loose some and gain some, tp dlm case aku, byk loose dri gain kot. ke aku yg xnmpk?
bercinta, bergadoh, semuanya da rasa... smpai aku da mcm malas nk pikir dah... kalau ada, adalah. kalau xde, aku nk bg ada gak!!! aku jenis yg cepat sgt fall in love. itu yg buat pempuan cm doubt kat aku.. ingat aku just nk main2.. dah nk wat cmne, aku jenis cmtuh. tp once aku da spot yg aku nk.. aku akan try dapatkan what ever it takes.
penah skali aku just couple, for revenge. payback kat pempuan yg wat xtentu hala kat hidup aku.. skarang baru rasa cm kesian kat pempuan tuh... erm.. nk ckp aku xsuke pempuan xleh, sbb aku laki.. and aku bukannye gay. erm... tpkan, NP PEMPUAN SGT PAYAH UTK DIFAHAMI~~~~~
dia ckp dia suka tp nanty dululah... xnk get to serious, tetibe2 dia da ada org baru....
what the hell.... hypocracy...
so now.... cinta? gi mampus!
pengalaman da byk mengajar tp np aku still xnk mempelajarinya? herm...
perempuan.. memang tempting.. skali tgk, rasa cm nk owning je pompuan tu... herm... tp mampukah aku utk pawn semua pempuan yg aku nk? sometimes in life, u must loose some and gain some, tp dlm case aku, byk loose dri gain kot. ke aku yg xnmpk?
bercinta, bergadoh, semuanya da rasa... smpai aku da mcm malas nk pikir dah... kalau ada, adalah. kalau xde, aku nk bg ada gak!!! aku jenis yg cepat sgt fall in love. itu yg buat pempuan cm doubt kat aku.. ingat aku just nk main2.. dah nk wat cmne, aku jenis cmtuh. tp once aku da spot yg aku nk.. aku akan try dapatkan what ever it takes.
penah skali aku just couple, for revenge. payback kat pempuan yg wat xtentu hala kat hidup aku.. skarang baru rasa cm kesian kat pempuan tuh... erm.. nk ckp aku xsuke pempuan xleh, sbb aku laki.. and aku bukannye gay. erm... tpkan, NP PEMPUAN SGT PAYAH UTK DIFAHAMI~~~~~
dia ckp dia suka tp nanty dululah... xnk get to serious, tetibe2 dia da ada org baru....
what the hell.... hypocracy...
so now.... cinta? gi mampus!
yeah. my band. Steal Sunday. don't really know why but i like it. 4 guys doing nothing but pure jazz. me with my bass, not really a bass coz it's an acoustic classical guitar. black. erm.. we've been performing at dinners and fac events. kinda get the hang of it now. at first, i was afraid that i would get stage fright during performance and my bandmates had the same worries for me.. but suprisingly, i was able to play quite well!
erm.... lastnite i dreamt of u... yeah... u were drowning in a deep pool. ur hands were cut off. and blood was everywhere, i was looking at u.. and i smiled... a sense of satisfaction tingling in me.. i let go the chainsaw in my hand and stared at u... u deserve it... u were messing with the wrong guy... u think u could slip away with such a crime.. not a crime for u maybe, but for me.. it was unforgiving.. u played with my feelings girl... and i am a man that would do anything just for the sake of REVENGE.
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
a creature called-WOMAN
yeah. u heard me. a creature, they can be very2 hard to understood. first, it's ok next thing u know, u'r in the middle of a fight about it. what do they achieve by acting the way they do? scientist is still finding the answer coz some of the scientist are WOMeN. so they tend to argue a lot. (:p) huh... if only they were a third gender (besides the not-natural ones), then man wouldn't have a hard time coping with life.. eH? but maybe there's a silver lining behind all this? but the lines still needs polishing coz i ain't see no silver homie.. just copper, brass and a whole lot of headache!
they really likes it when they are right. coz normally, they will be.. correction.. MUST be.
yeah.. i admit.. not all woman are like that... bla4... some of you might disagree and some of you might say, hell ya! but for me. yeah.. they are something not to be comprehend by normal minds.. but to be satisfy at all coz, coz that is why they are here.. right??
they really likes it when they are right. coz normally, they will be.. correction.. MUST be.
yeah.. i admit.. not all woman are like that... bla4... some of you might disagree and some of you might say, hell ya! but for me. yeah.. they are something not to be comprehend by normal minds.. but to be satisfy at all coz, coz that is why they are here.. right??
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